Need a little {gentle} boost to help get you through dinner, dishes, & whatever else you said you would do “later” ... Yeah, we’ve been there too! Try this Ginger Pineapple Spritzer 🍍


  1. Water
  2. Trader Joes 100% Pineapple Juice
  3. Caffeine-Free Ginger Glow #biablends
  4. Lemon garnish (or whatever you have on hand!)


  1. Mix one scoop of Caffeine-Free Ginger Glow with about 5oz of water and shake to combine.
  2. Pour over ice and top with 100% Pineapple Juice (we used Trader Joe's, but use whatever you have)
  3. Garnish with a lemon wedge and enjoy!


Shop Caffeine-Free Ginger Glow!

Shop Ginger Glow!